SWWIM – 9/24/2021

Fish Hawk



Psychological Perspectives – Issue 3-4/2022

Letter to Jim: Four Poems of Water and Soul



The Orchards Poetry Journal – Winter 2022

In Response To Ms. Ryan



What Is All this Sweet Work? – Fall 2022

Two Thousand

Aubade Corporis



Sky Island Journal – Summer 2022

The Long Vowel





Deschutes River Conservancy – Home Waters

Coming to Be


Our Creek In Winter


The Hollins Critic – October 2021

Blown In



The Hamilton Stone Review – Spring 2021



Windfall – Spring 2021

The Secret Life of Public Art


Hubbub -Winter 2020



The Main Street Rag – Summer 2020

Dear Mr. Billy Collins,



Gray’s Sporting Journal – November 2019

Old Hunter

Listen To The Poem


Severine – August 2019



Plainsongs – Summer 2019

Cinnamon Pie


Cowboys and Cocktails – Spring 2019



The Hollins Critic – February 2019

Sandhill Cranes


Sheila-Na-Gig – Spring 2019

Two Poems


Pink Panther – September 2018

Two Poems


Red Savina Review – Spring 2018

Three Poems


Longleaf Review – Spring 2018

Three Poems


Bellingham Review – Spring 2015


Old House


Our Creek in Winter


Apalachee Review – Spring 2012

Shift In Temper


Crab Creek Review – Winter 2011


Waiting to Sing “Oh Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion” and Watching the Audience During a Performance of Handel’s Messiah


Verseweavers – Spring 2008

The annual anthology of prizewinning poems from the Oregon Poetry Association

Liver Chestnut, Flaxen Mane and Tail, Two White Socks, and a Pretty Body